At Bethel Congregational Church of Ontario , we are fully committed to taking our faith beyond the walls of our church and into the world. We are involved in a variety of local and global outreach programs,
from feeding the hungry to supporting missionaries around the world.
We are a 5 for 5 partner of the United Church of Christ in all of the UCC greater missions: Bethel is a leader, providing support to Our Church’s Wider Mission and the Special Mission Offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen The Church, Neighbors In Need and The Christmas Fund. If you would like to contribute to any of these special offerings, just make a note on your check or in the memo section of your online offering.
· Bethel's congregation has served the Ontario community since 1885. The current Historical Building was built in 1912! It's beautiful, and wonderful, and it needs lots of loving restoration. Some things are simple, and many are complex. Bethel needs help to survive and continue serving the Ontario Community.
The next Relay for Life is already underway and getting ready for an even more successful year than the last! This is one of our most important Community Outreach activities. Please join us in our continued fight against cancer!
At Relay For Life events, communities across the globe come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much. The funds you raise truly make a difference in the fight against cancer – just ask one of the nearly 14 million cancer survivors who will celebrate another birthday this year!
Bethel Congregational Church
536 N Euclid Ave Ontario CA 91762 EMAIL: